I've had the hardest time narrowing down a topic for my inaugural blog. After writing and deleting, writing something else and deleting, I decided to just start at the beginning.
Who Am I:
Underneath it all, I'm a true southern girl on a quest to become the best I can be. By the time I was 24, I had a CPA license and opened my first company, a CPA firm. I worked like a dog during my 20's not really taking time to live and enjoy the non working side of life. As I approached thirty, I experienced the "quarter life crisis" as it is commonly know where you stop trying to please everyone else and focus on enjoying life.
The Nicknames- Duchess and J. Ro
Both nicknames were given by present and former people in my life. J. Ro, a play on my legal name, is a powerful super woman figure who can accomplish anything she sets her mind to accomplish both personally and professionally. Of course, she will accomplish it with style and grace. I'm not really sure how my dear friend came up with his definition of J. Ro but I'm flattered that someone has that much faith in my ability.
A Duchess, by definition, is a woman who holds the rank of duke in her own right. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not there yet, no where close. But with both, I'm up the challenge.
My Blog:
First, my blog will be PURELY PERSONAL and will cover my thoughts and experiences as I journey through this thing called life. I have websites for my companies and all the "professional" material is listed there. I'll warn you now, I don't sugarcoat and I'm opinionated. On the flip side, I'm always examining myself and looking for ways and areas in which to grow. With that said, I welcome your feedback on anything I post.
That's it for now, I promise my next post will be a little more exciting!
There is always something to do.
There are hungry people to feed, naked people to clothe, sick people to comfort and make well.
And while I don't expect you to save the world I do think it's not asking too much for you to love those with whom you sleep, share the happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those among you who are visionary and remove from your live those who offer you depression, despair and disrespect.
Nikki Giovanni